05 March 2008

from our time at sally's

today as we sat at sally's we had coffee, pastries, and a listing off of ideas about how to spend the rest of our time with class. i have the napkin upon which ted wrote down the ideas we had w/r/t time spending. 
there are eleven items on this list i will order them numerically though that is not how ted's list is officially organized. also, i'll try to include some of the examples from today. i won't know all of them, and perhaps sometimes i'll be wrong, so let's start commenting on this thing and figure out what to do.

1. a day spent reviewing applications, a discussion about application, acceptance, and rejection.
2. a tour of whole foods to discover the sheer amount of non recyclable things in there.
3. potluck, can be conflated with other art type stuff and/or other ideas on this list.
4. giving lectures about side interests, non expert topics, or the reason you don't like "x" thing.
5. the exploratorium, or other tourist type thing that we likely won't go to since we live here.
6. make a book, edition or time capsule, or all three at once, or separate.
7. find another class and attend at sf state, ucsf, sfai, berkeley, mills, cal state east bay... et al.
8. exploring early childhood education, technique, and response.
9. we could have a show that is, perhaps, only open from 9 am to noon, one wednesday only.
10. working in limited forms thematically, materially, or in terms of timeframe. 
11. make work in class.
n.b. those last two entries can be conflated with some of the other ideas proposed herein and also function in similar ways.   

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